Pembrolizumab biomarkers for solid cancer

Background on these biomarkers

Pembrolizumab has a broad approval for use in metastatic solid cancers that have high TMB or MSI.

Your biomarker results

You have been tested for TMB, one of the two approved tissue-agnostic biomarkers for prescribing Pembrolizumab. You have not been tested for the other biomarker, MSI.

  • TMB: You have been measured as having a high tumor mutational burden. Combined with your clinical history, high TMB makes you eligible to take Pembrolizumab, under the FDA accelerated solid tumor approval. While elevated TMB is uncommon (<5% of patients) in prostate cancer, there is evidence that some CRPC patients respond well to pembrolizumab.

Your detailed results for this biomarker group

Testing RunTMB
Liquid Biopsy
Tested, mutated (High)
Liquid Biopsy
Tested, mutated (High)
Germline NGS
Not tested